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November Maintenance

November Maintenance

4th November 2019

Aeration with solid or knife tines to 100mm minimum depth can continue through November to prevent soil pan development and provide air space for roots to breathe and colonise.  Aeration facilitates the activity of soil microbes in the still-warm November soil helping with nutrient availability, thatch decomposition and root disease suppression.

Harrowing and raking will also aerate the surface and help restore levels.  Using Early Start or brushing to remove dew and debris will reduce disease development.  Brushing helps restore levels and gives a good banded look to the pitch.

Keep off the pitch if it is frozen.

Maintain mowing height between 25mm and 35mm.

Worm casts can be reduced by supressing surface activity of worms by applying Sulphur 95 to acidify the surface.  This also reduces meadow grass growth.  50-50 liquid iron applied to firm the turf will also acidify the surface and reduce worm casts.  Silicon and plant oil extracts are also unattractive to worms at the soil surface.

SwardPhite applied early in November will function in the turf through the winter maintaining energy transfer processes and stimulating root growth.

Watch out for diseases such as Red Thread and Fusarium, apply a suitable fungicide at first sign of attack.


November summary:

•             Brush to remove dew and help even out minor irregularities in the surface.

•             Continue with aeration actions.

•             If worm casts are a problem, limit worm surface activity with Sulphur 95 and 50-50 iron.

•             Apply last SwardPhite of the year.

•             Disease vigilance.

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