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We provide an exceptional level of expertise
Vitax Amenity offers a wide range of products specially developed to promote the growth and health of turf grass used on golf courses, sports pitches, horse racing courses and other managed amenity turf, such as parklands. The products are also widely used in the landscaping industry.
We offer an exceptional level of expertise in this specialist area and our products are already widely used in many countries across the world.
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Latest News from Vitax
Vitax Amenity has confirmed that it will be exhibiting at Saltex 2021 as it prepares for its first trade show of the year. Taking place on 03-04 November at the NEC in Birmingham, Saltex is...
Read More »Supaturf, part of Vitax Amenity, has marked out its online presence with the launch of its first e-brochure.Aiming to hit the mark with both existing and prospective customers, the new Supaturf...
Read More »Traditionally fine turf nutrition came in two bags, Spring & Summer and Autumn and Winter. Spring & Summer ordained high Nitrogen levels, often supplied by Urea or Ammonium Nitrate,...
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